Saturday, February 8, 2014

Discordian Tarot Reading

A thread in got me thinking about divination and tarot. I use a rather unconventional tarot spread. It's fun. And, it works. I've used this spread for communion with Deity, divinition, self exploration, and artistic inspiration. I call it the chaotic spread. 

 Some preliminary thoughts on divination and chaos: 

 The process is based on a Discordian opening ritual. 

Eris, as the Goddess of Chaos represent undifferentiated possibilities. This parallels the Dao De Jing and Quantum physics. In the DDJ, Lao Tzu explains how the determinate arises from the indeterminate (chaos). Quantum mechanics tells us that before a determinate event arises it exists in an undefined or quantum state (check out Schrödinger's cat). Thus, the universe is undefined or chaotic. In a ridiculous way, it may be possible to peek into chaos or even shape chaos through communion with Eris. If anything, it's fun and can add some meaning to the otherwise random string of events we call "life." The following is my Discordian Ritual for communion with chaos:
  1. Lose your self to erratic movement and nonsense. (Clap your hands, sing gibberish, and dance with pure spontaneity.) 
  2. Sign the Erisian Cross: “Light in my head, fire in my genitals, strength at my right side, laughter at my left side, love in my Heart.”
  3.  Call the quarters 
    1. Face East: “Blessed Apostle Hung Mung, great Sage of Cathay, Balance the Hodge and Podge and grant us equilibrium.” 
    2. Face South: “Blessed Apostle Van Van Mojo, Doctor of Hoodoo and Vexes, Give us the Voodoo Power and confuse our enemies.”
    3. Face West: “Blessed Apostle Sri Syadasti, patron of psychedelia, Teach us the relative truth and blow our minds.” 
    4. Face North: “Blessed Apostle Zarathud, hard-nosed hermit, Grant us the Erisian doubt, and the constancy of Chaos.” 
    5. Look up: “Blessed Apostle Malaclypse, Elder Saint of Discordia, Grant us illumination and protect us from stupidity.” 
  4. Say: “Great Goddess Discordia, Holy Mother Eris, Joy of the Universe, Laughter of Space, Grant us Life, Light, Love and Liberty and make the bloody magick work!” 
  5. Throw your tarot deck into the air allow the cards to scatter across the room.
  6. Interpret the chaotic spread of cards however you see fit. 6. Say: "Hail Eris! All hail Discordia!"


Anonymous said...

Can't wait to try this!

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