Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Practical Money Magick

The full moon is associated with money, prosperity and success in nearly
every folk tale around the world.

 The following spell is best performed during the waxing Moon or on the Full Moon. You will need a small cauldron, a small green or brown talisman bag, and three silver coins.

1.  Place a dish oinside the cauldron with a small amount of cinnamon and cedar chips on it.
2.  Lay three coins on your altar.
3.  Tap each coin with your forefinger of your power hand (the one you write with) and chant:

Glistening silver coin of the moon, 
 Shiny and round, bring me a boon. 
 Draw to my hands many more your kind. 
 Multiply, grow, like the image in my mind.

4.  Put the coins in the cauldron with the herbs.
5.  Using your power hand, stir the air clockwise seven times over the cauldron.
6.   Chant:

 Earth elementals, cunning and bright, 
 Share your treasures here on this night, 
 Share with me riches of silver and gold, 
 Success prosperity, all I can hold. 

7. Place the herbs and the coins in the talisman bag.
8. Cary this with you until the Moon goes through Her phases and returns to Full.

 (extracted from Llewellyn's Witches Calender July 1999) Written by D.J. Conway

Monday, February 17, 2014

Introduction to Kabbalah: Some Misconceptions

What is Kabbalah

Tree of Life by Andrei Voica
Kabbalah is an occult, meaning hidden, science. Kabbalah is sometimes associated with “Jewish mysticism”; in fact, understanding Hebrew language,  the Torah, and Jewish law are fundamental to understand of Kabbalah.  Kabbalah was intentionally by Jewish practitioners hidden after the Siege of Jerusalem and the destruction of the second temple around 70 CE.  After the fall of the second temple, Kabbalah became an underground 

Kabbalah is also hidden, in that it does not deal with the five primary senses.  It is simply not something you can see, touch, or hear.  The true meaning if life cannot be found in material things.

Additionally, the Kabbalistic books themselves are esoteric by employing the language of branches.  The language of branches indicates the metaphysical origin of the mundane.  For example, ordinary words are said to be branches from a metaphysical root.   This is especially evident in the Torah which works on a metaphorical level.  Unfortunately, this complexity leads to the vast misinformation surrounding Kabbalah.

Misinformation and Misconceptions

 Kabbalah is a religion. 

While Kabbalah deals with the upper and lower worlds, Kabbalah is not a means of transcendence.  These worlds are interdependent and not to be transcended but experienced directly.  Kabbalah is a science that is compatible with a variety of world religions.

You have to be Jewish to Study Kabbalah.

Many preeminent kabbalists were not Jewish. While Kabbalah has its origins in Judaism and makes extensive references to Jewish thought, Kabbalah is not a religious denomination in and of itself.

Kabbalah leads to insanity.

Kabbalah is not grounded in “normal” thinking about material things.  From the perspective of individuals who operate on a material level, Kabbalah (and other spiritual matters) is incomprehensible.  

Friday, February 14, 2014

Ultimate Witchcraft Playlist

The occult and witchcraft are popular topics in various media.  While the portrayal of these topics is sometimes misguided, it is important for the practitioner to understand how the arts are represented in music, video, literature and all varieties of discourse.  Plus, some of these songs kick major ass.  Check out my "Ultimate Witchcraft" playlist.

1. Thuston Moore - Wonderful Witches

2. Crim3s - Salt

3. Hole - Softer, Softest

4. The Moving Sidewalks - Crimson Witch

5. Donovan - Season of the Witch

6. Fleetwood Mac - Rhiannon (My all time favorite song.  Marry me, Stevie?)

7. Ritualz - Ghetto Ass Witch

8. Yoko Ono - Yes, I'm a Witch

9. Pixies - Blue Eyed Hexe

10. The Sonics - The Witch

Did this playlist leave out some of your favorites?  Drop me a message to let me know what witch-related songs to add!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Who Was Aleister Crowley, Really?

Aleister Crowley is one of the most misunderstood individuals of his time.  His philosophy challenged orthodoxy for the sake of Love and True Will.  To this day, his message continues to be warped to by those it challenges.  In researching Crowley and reading some of books, I have found his message to be one of truth and light.  I strongly encourage the open minded exploration of Crowley's works.  Here is a small sampling of quotes to get you started!

Crowley Top 10 Quotes:

Paganism is wholesome because it faces the facts of life.

Indubitably, magic is one of the subtlest and most difficult of the sciences and arts. There is more opportunity for errors of comprehension, judgment and practice than in any other branch of physics.

The people who have really made history are the martyrs.

Part of the public horror of sexual irregularity so-called is due to the fact that everyone knows himself essentially guilty.

The joy of life consists in the exercise of one's energies, continual growth, constant change, the enjoyment of every new experience. To stop means simply to die. The eternal mistake of mankind is to set up an attainable ideal.

Modern morality and manners suppress all natural instincts, keep people ignorant of the facts of nature and make them fighting drunk on bogey tales.

Falsehood is invariably the child of fear in one form or another.

Every one interprets everything in terms of his own experience. If you say anything which does not touch a precisely similar spot in another man's brain, he either misunderstands you, or doesn't understand you at all.

The Way of Mastery is to break all the rules—but you have to know them perfectly before you can do this; otherwise you are not in a position to transcend them.

Truth! Truth! Truth! crieth the Lord of the Abyss of Hallucinations.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Moon Glyphs

Monday, February 10, 2014

Reconsidering Religion and Science

The resent debate between Bill Nye “The Science Guy” and Ken Ham, founder of the Creation Museum, has fueled the unnecessary conflict between science and religion.  Ultimately, science and religion present two different means of knowing that make different assumptions about reality.

T'ai Chi Ch'uan
Consider this analogy:  T’ai Chi Ch’uan (T’ai chi) and Krava Maga are two different martial arts.  These disciplines have the common goal of self-defense. 
However, both styles make different assumptions about how one should defend themselves. 

For example, T’ai Chi Ch’uan encourages students to redirect an attackers strength against their opponent and is a passive, yet effective, fighting style.  Krav Maga encourages students to end a fight as quickly as possible by attacking vulnerable body parts and is an aggressive and efficient style.

Krav Maga
Both martial arts have pros and cons. While one may be better suited in a particular context over the other, it would be unreasonable to say that one is inherently better than the other.  They have similar goals but make different assumptions about how to achieve these goals.

Likewise, both religion and science represent different processes in the distillation of knowledge. While they are not completely incompatible, it is unnecessary to pit them against each other.  They make different etymological and cosmological assumptions. These assumptions are not based on Truth, but are necessary for any progress to be made.

To illustrate, science requires the assumption of a measurable and material universe with consistent laws. This is a lofty assumption and is often rejected by theoretical and quantum physicists, among other scholars.  Science can only study what is empirically falsifiable.  Science can make no statement for or against the transcendent or the divine which do not exist materially.

On the contrary, most religions operate on the assumption that humans can somehow know and interact with a transcendent principle of reality.  Both science and religion adequately describe the world around but make different assumptions.  To say that one is inherently better than the other is to say that T’ai Chi Ch’uan is better than Krav Maga.

Jason Louv: Magick in the Aeon of Horus

Jason Louv delivers one of the best discussions of magick I've encountered.  I believe that his message is salient to occultists and pagans a like.  What direction will magick and spirituality take in 2014 and beyond?  Check it out!