Friday, February 14, 2014

Ultimate Witchcraft Playlist

The occult and witchcraft are popular topics in various media.  While the portrayal of these topics is sometimes misguided, it is important for the practitioner to understand how the arts are represented in music, video, literature and all varieties of discourse.  Plus, some of these songs kick major ass.  Check out my "Ultimate Witchcraft" playlist.

1. Thuston Moore - Wonderful Witches

2. Crim3s - Salt

3. Hole - Softer, Softest

4. The Moving Sidewalks - Crimson Witch

5. Donovan - Season of the Witch

6. Fleetwood Mac - Rhiannon (My all time favorite song.  Marry me, Stevie?)

7. Ritualz - Ghetto Ass Witch

8. Yoko Ono - Yes, I'm a Witch

9. Pixies - Blue Eyed Hexe

10. The Sonics - The Witch

Did this playlist leave out some of your favorites?  Drop me a message to let me know what witch-related songs to add!


Anonymous said...

I recommend Wendy Rule.

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