Tuesday, February 4, 2014

NextGen Pagan: Paganism for the Next Generation

What draws young Pagans and Witches to their path?

Author of the book Teen Spirit Wicca, David Salisbury,  explains his interaction and observation within young Pagan and Wiccan communities.

Teenage practitioners offer the following highlights of their paths, via witchesandpagans.com:

"Being able to be part of a loving community and informing others what Paganism is."


"I love the acceptance I get and the help. I'm solitary but I still ask a ton of questions. Its challenging but i love the freedom it gives me."


"Wicca teaches me how to be responsible for myself and to make myself better. It pushes me to do better things with my life."

-A, age 16

"Being a Wiccan has been so helpful because it has helped me to become one with myself and the nature around me. My mind has been set wide open and everything is shed in a new light, which is shattering and beautiful. It has brought me back to who I am and has saved me in more ways than one."


"I love knowing that the gods are there for me to talk to when I have no one else to talk to. I'm never truly alone."

-K, age 15

"My favorite is that it has helped me be me in almost every aspect of my life. That I see myself, others and nature in a different way than I used to."


"Knowing that no matter what, you can relay on the strength that nature has to support you when you are feeling weak."


"When I meet people who believe the same, I have an instant bond with someone I can connect with in the community."

-L, age 17

"The best part for me about being Wiccan is the amazing feeling of joy I get from helping people. It gives me drive and focus. When I found Wicca I found myself."


"I love that I can connect with other people to share something special about me. I like meeting people who feel drawn to this path like I do."
-B, age 16

read the full article at witchesandpagans.com.
For another look at teenage Paganism check out teen-pagan-problems on tumblr


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