Monday, December 30, 2013

Fuck quantum mystics; protect the status quo!?


If we think of the field as being removed, there is no ’space’ which remains, since space does not have an independent existence.

Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.”

Hence it is clear that the space of physics is not, in the last analysis, anything given in nature or independent of human thought. It is a function of our conceptual scheme.

One has to find the possibility to avoid the continuum (together with space and time) altogether. But I have not the slightest idea what kind of elementary concepts could be used in such a theory.

Eugene Wigner

It will remain remarkable, in what ever way our future concepts may develop, that the very study of the external world led to the scientific conclusion that the content of the consciousness is the ultimate universal reality.

Max Plank

Science cannot solve the ultimate mystery of nature because, in the last analysis, we ourselves are a part the mystery we are trying to solve.

Niel Bohr

The common sense view of the world in terms of object that really exist “put there” independently of our observations, totally collapses in the face of the quantum factor.

Friday, December 27, 2013

Quick Guide to Magick

The three components of all spells and magick rituals:

1.  Set your expectation
  • Know what you want in as much detail as possible
  • What might you gain or lose?
  • What might the world gain or lose?

2.  Fill expectation with desire
  • What will it feel like physically, mentally, and spiritually?
  • What will it look and sound like?
  • How will it change you?
3.  Transcendence/ merger with the Divine

  • Explode desire and self with all of your energy

The answer to life...

The answer to life, and all other questions is, "yes and no."

Gobble gobble!

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Discordian Opening Ritual

By:   Prince Prance

1. Clap x5

2. The Erisian Cross:

“Light in my Head
Fire in my genitals Strength at my Right side Laughter at my Left side Love in my Heart.”

3. Trace Spiral Pentagrams at the 4 quarters & zenith.

4. Face East:
“Blessed Apostle Hung Mung, great Sage of Cathay, Balance the Hodge and Podge and grant us equilibrium.”

5. Face South:
“Blessed Apostle Van Van Mojo, Doctor of Hoodoo and Vexes, Give us the Voodoo Power and confuse our enemies.”

6. Face West:
“Blessed Apostle Sri Syadasti, patron of psychedelia, Teach us the relative truth and blow our minds.”

7. Face North:
“Blessed Apostle Zarathud, hard-nosed hermit, Grant us the Erisian doubt, and the constancy of Chaos.”

8. Look up (or down):
“Blessed Apostle Malaclypse, Elder Saint of Discordia, Grant us illumination and protect us from stupidity.”

9. Look all over the place:

“Great Goddess Discordia, Holy Mother Eris, Joy of the Universe, Laughter of Space, Grant us Life, Light, Love and Liberty and make the bloody magick work!”

10. “Hail Eris! All Hail Discordia!

Magick according to Phil Hine

What is magick?

1.A means to disentangle yourself from the attitudes and restrictions you were brought up with and which define the limits of what you may become. 

2.Ways to examine your life to look for, understand and modify behaviour , emotional and thought patterns which hinder learning and growth. 

3.Increase of confidence and personal charisma. 

4.A widening of your perception of just what is possible, once you set heart and mind on it. 

5.To develop personal abilities, skills and perceptions - the more we see the world, the more we appreciate that it is alive. 

6.To have fun. Magick should be enjoyed. 

7.To bring about change - in accordance with will. 

Christopher Hyatt Meditation Method

Christopher Hyatt Meditation Method 1 (From Undoing Yourself with Energized Meditation and other Devices)

Step 1. Sit or lie down. Make Faces ~ Stretch all the muscles in the face. Open your mouth as wide as you can, move the jaw from side to side. At the same time open your eyes as wide as you can. Move your eyes up and down and from side to side. This will begin to destroy tension, thereby destroying uncontrolled and extraneous thoughts generated by this area. Make many different faces. Do this for about 2-3 minutes. (A word of caution: While in the end these exercizes are meant to reduce and eliminate certain thought patterns, some might find an increase of new thoughts from previously "Hidden" places of the mind. If this is the case don't be concerned, since this will be a fine way to perform "mental house cleaning.")

Step II. Hum and Chatter — Hum from the depths of your voice box. Use OM or just MMMM. Do this for 1-2 minutes. Now using your tongue, chatter — DA DA — BA BA BA. Stick out your jaw as far as you can and continue humming and chattering. Do this for 2-3 minutes.

Step III. Shoulders to Ears — Pull your shoulders up as if you were trying to reach your ears. When they start feeling tired, drop them as low as you can. Repeat this 3 times in 2-3 minute intervals.

Step IV. Nose Breathing — With your mouth closed take in a deep breath inflating your chest and pulling your stomach up. Be sure to pull the belly in. Hold for a 7 count and then just let the chest fall and the belly relax. Repeat this 10-20 times. Be sure to allow an additional 7 count to elapse before your next inhalation.

Step V. Turn Head — Now bring your attention to your head and turn it from side to side as far as you can. Repeat for 2-3 minutes.

Step VI. Leg Stretch — Lying down on your back, hold your legs about 4 inches off the ground and stretch outward. Hold this as long as you can then let them drop. Repeat this 2-3 times.

Step VII. Quick Breath — With your mouth slightly open breathe rapidly, sighing as you exhale. Do this for 2-3 minutes.

Now lie down and sense and feel your body, for about 10 minutes. Note every sensation you feel. Now assume a meditative position of your choice making sure that:

(1) Your eye lids are not tightly closed, but simply relaxed.

(2) That your jaw is relaxed and not tense. Make sure of this by trying to stick out your tongue; if you have to lower your jaw, it was too tightly held. Check your forehead making sure it is not wrinkled. Once you are relaxed, either concentrate on your mantra or point of focus. For those students who do not have a mantra or point, we suggest Dr. Regardie's Mantram tape or simply OOOOO- OOOMMMMMMM. For students who wish or require specific images or points of focus, please feel free to contact us.

(3) Finally make sure your throat is not blocked by holding your head in the wrong position. Make sure it is straight. In order to reduce thoughts, keep the eyes relaxed and still, with your tongue touching the roof of your mouth. Do not move the larynx and again be sure that your jaw is relaxed. Meditate before eating, or wait for 2-3 hours after eating a heavy meal. It is also best if the bladder and bowels have been emptied before you start your work.

Comic of "Imagine" by John Lennon

"Freedom of will," Carl Jung said, "is the ability to do gladly that which you must do.  Put that in your pipe and smoke it."

Saturday, December 21, 2013

You are both the prisoner and the jail guard.

"Isla Prision: Prisioneros del Tiempo" Sanda Ramos

Blogging to Save America

The Issues:
  • Corruption
    • Special interests groups, hidden agendas, personal monetary gain
  • Voter Apathy
    • Does my vote really matter..? Probably not.
  • Bi-partisan politics
    • Realistically, there is little difference between political parties beyond superficial “hot-button” issues. This creates an illusion of choice and the scarcity of new ideas.
  • And much, much more

Solution: Sortition (Randomly Selected Representation)

Rather than seeding positions of power to the greatest manipulators of voters in a corrupt system, representatives can be chosen randomly. All members of the nation are equally eligible. Checks and balances (also randomly selected) and finite terms would still be followed. Additionally, sortition would necessitate effective education as potential leaders must be socially responsible and functional. Finally, This system facilitates national cohesion and constituent freedom.

Sortition is the only truly egalitarian form of government. Randomly selected representation is inherently fair, equal, and democratic. Randomness does not endorse bias as does voting (a popularity contest). Furthermore, Sortition ensures fair representation while giving power to ordinary people.

"Democracy arises after the poor are victorious over their adversaries, some of whom they kill and others of whom they exile, then they share out equally with the rest of the population political offices and burdens; and in this regime public offices are usually allocated by lot."
- Plato

Friday, December 20, 2013

Russel Brand Compilation

Some quotes on Ego Death

It's easier to assassinate the president of the United States than to kill your own ego.
      -Robert Anton Wilson

Happiness is threatening and misery is safe – safe for the ego. Ego can exist only in misery and through misery. Ego is an island surrounded by hell; happiness is threatening to the ego, to the very existence of the ego. Happiness rises like a sun and the ego disappears, evaporates like a dewdrop on the grass leaf.

Happiness is the death of the ego. If you want to remain a separate entity from existence as almost everybody is trying to do, you will be afraid of being blissful, cheerful. You will feel guilty in being blissful. You will feel suicidal because you are committing suicide on the psychological level, on the level of the ego.

It almost always happens that people enjoy a few moments and then afterwards feel very guilty. The guilt arises because of the ego. The ego starts torturing them, "What are you doing? Have you decided to kill me? And I am your only treasure. Killing me? You will be destroyed. Killing me is destroying yourself.

      -Osho annihilation on all imaginable levels - physical destruction, emotional disaster, intellectual and philosophical defeat, ultimate moral failure, and absolute damnation of transcendental proportions. This experience of ego death seems to entail an instant merciless destruction of all previous reference points in the life of the individual.

      -Stan Grof

Destroy your ego with psychedelics, meditation, and any sort of reprogramming available!

Dreaming Goals

It is my will to...

Perform ritual nonsense with Aleister Crowley
Take mescaline with Alan Ginsberg and write poetry
Meet my holy guardian angel somewhere in my mind
Adventure with Jack Kerouac
Become the Earth, a dolphin, a single mitochondria, the sun
Explore the pyramids
Witness the beginning and end of the universe
Smoke hash with Rumi and Dali
I will explore the inside of my body in a tiny submarine
Become a spider to dance between dimensions on the jeweled net of existence
Smoke DMT with Timothy Leary
Witness my death
Join Pythagorus' ancient cult
Explore the oceans, volcanoes, rain forests, and mountains
Be abducted by Aliens
Do shrooms with Jesus and Gautama Buddha
By psychoanalyzed by Jung and Maslow
Talk to my future self and past selves

I will systematically explore my dreams and the astral realms.

I'm a pilgrim on the edge,on the edge of my perception
We are travelers at the edge,
we are always at the edge of our perceptions.
Scott Mutter

How to have an out of body experience (OBE/OOBE) today:

Click for the best guide.

A Poem

“In the
the Holy Spirit of Authority
     created the heavens and the earth.  Now the earth
         was form
-less and empty— perfect with emptiness, even.
            longing filled the atmosphere
 and the Spirit of Authority was hovered over
              the waters.  The Spirit of Authority
said,“ Let there be light,” &
     there was light, sure 'nuff.
            The Spirit of Authority called the light 'day,' &
            called the
     ual longing
          'night.'  And Authority controlled humankind perpetually.”

                        - The Bible

Kabbalah of Peter Carroll

To all those psychonauts with whom I have stood in midnight forests, 
in temples, in subterranean chambers, and atop mountains,
invoking the Mysteries . . .

Peter Carroll

Laughter is its own opposite

The ecstatic laughter of divine madness is the sweeping up of every perception into a vortex of surprise at its very existence.
        -- Peter Carroll

The Alphabet of Desire

The Alphabet of Desire from Pater Carroll's "Liber Null" depicts the 21 principle emotions.  The root of each emotion is in its opposite.

Desire is a circle
Desire is a wheel
Desire is a menu
Of things that we feel
Pleasure, sex, love, pain
Round and round and round again
Break, O break the chain
Quit the rim
Spiral within.

A rite of illumination

On origination

Is there such a thing as origination? Or is the universe a process of infinite change?

Change is all around us; in fact, change seems to be the law of the universe. All things contained in the universe can be seen as constituents of a larger process or entity. These things are infinitely rearranged into new becomings. In this sense, origin is more of a process of change than static origination.

If we are to speak of the universe as a process of becoming, this process must generate everything that is and will be as infinite reconfigurations of matter or energy. This would have to include all possible actions, ideas, and outcomes. It would span multiple dimensions and would likely span multiple universes.

For the sake of comprehending the macrocosm, we create artificial microcosms. Our constructed microcosms are reflexive and infinity interrelated to with the universe at large. As the hermetic saying goes, “As above, so below.”

Do changes in the microcosm really effect the macrocosm? Will blog posts effect the larger microcosm that is my life? My life will certainly influence blog posts…

The overarching process of change in the multiverse can be called “god,” “dao,” “chaos,” or “infinity.” God is in everything, but nothing is god. The “origination” of this blog marks the transformation (or division) of my own personal microcosm and a tiny piece of the internet. In this blog-realm, I am god.

"The Multiverse in God's Eye" Sam Del Russi

May the odds forever be in your favor/ Hail Eris/ et cetera,

Gabriel Cicada

Thursday, December 19, 2013

This blog is tripping balls

Psychedelic (adj.) : Mind Manifesting

From Greek psykhe (ψυχή) – ”mind/soul” + deloun (δηλοῦν) ”manifesting.”

As in, “this blog is tripping balls.”

This blog is a cyber-representation of my perceptual-representation of something called “reality.” With enough love and care, I hope that this blog can become its own reality– or at least some sort of self-referential, dynamic microcosm. After all, all matter is mind. Or is mind, matter?

If you are delusional enough, stop by for daily updates pertaining to my quest for knowledge, mind, and infinity.

Interests include:

  • Magick: ”The Science and Art of causing Change to occur in conformity with Will.” (Aleister Crowley)
  • Philosophy: The Science of causing change to occur in conformity with Will.
  • Art: The Art of causing Change change to occur in conformity with Will
  • And all things psychedelic…
Aleister Crowley (George W. Bush's grandfather?)

May the force be with you/ the dude abides/ et cetera,

Gabriel Cicada