Saturday, December 21, 2013

Blogging to Save America

The Issues:
  • Corruption
    • Special interests groups, hidden agendas, personal monetary gain
  • Voter Apathy
    • Does my vote really matter..? Probably not.
  • Bi-partisan politics
    • Realistically, there is little difference between political parties beyond superficial “hot-button” issues. This creates an illusion of choice and the scarcity of new ideas.
  • And much, much more

Solution: Sortition (Randomly Selected Representation)

Rather than seeding positions of power to the greatest manipulators of voters in a corrupt system, representatives can be chosen randomly. All members of the nation are equally eligible. Checks and balances (also randomly selected) and finite terms would still be followed. Additionally, sortition would necessitate effective education as potential leaders must be socially responsible and functional. Finally, This system facilitates national cohesion and constituent freedom.

Sortition is the only truly egalitarian form of government. Randomly selected representation is inherently fair, equal, and democratic. Randomness does not endorse bias as does voting (a popularity contest). Furthermore, Sortition ensures fair representation while giving power to ordinary people.

"Democracy arises after the poor are victorious over their adversaries, some of whom they kill and others of whom they exile, then they share out equally with the rest of the population political offices and burdens; and in this regime public offices are usually allocated by lot."
- Plato


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