Friday, December 20, 2013

On origination

Is there such a thing as origination? Or is the universe a process of infinite change?

Change is all around us; in fact, change seems to be the law of the universe. All things contained in the universe can be seen as constituents of a larger process or entity. These things are infinitely rearranged into new becomings. In this sense, origin is more of a process of change than static origination.

If we are to speak of the universe as a process of becoming, this process must generate everything that is and will be as infinite reconfigurations of matter or energy. This would have to include all possible actions, ideas, and outcomes. It would span multiple dimensions and would likely span multiple universes.

For the sake of comprehending the macrocosm, we create artificial microcosms. Our constructed microcosms are reflexive and infinity interrelated to with the universe at large. As the hermetic saying goes, “As above, so below.”

Do changes in the microcosm really effect the macrocosm? Will blog posts effect the larger microcosm that is my life? My life will certainly influence blog posts…

The overarching process of change in the multiverse can be called “god,” “dao,” “chaos,” or “infinity.” God is in everything, but nothing is god. The “origination” of this blog marks the transformation (or division) of my own personal microcosm and a tiny piece of the internet. In this blog-realm, I am god.

"The Multiverse in God's Eye" Sam Del Russi

May the odds forever be in your favor/ Hail Eris/ et cetera,

Gabriel Cicada


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